Growbaby Birmingham, East Site
Birmingham Vineyard
Birmingham, West Midlands
At Growbaby anyone can access good as new clothes, equipment, toys and Nappies for 0 - 5year olds for free. We now only receive requests through our website and make appointments for you to collect during our opening hours.
St Michael's Church, 17 Redstone Farm Road, Hall Green, Birmingham B28 9NU, UK
Opening Hours
Wednesdays during term-time : 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
Our Stay + Play for pre-school children runs on
Fridays 10.00 – 11.30 am, term-time only.
Please contact us to make sure we are accepting donations of equipment, and for instructions about how to make your donation. Visit our website.
Donate equipment
Please contact us to make sure we are accepting donations of equipment, and for instructions about how to make your donation.
Amazon wishlist