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Finest for Baby

Growbaby International

At the start of 2019 Linda Gill, the owner of the agency Finest for Baby, contacted us at Growbaby Kingston to ask if we would like any of her end of line items for our families in need. Finest For Baby Agencies Ltd specialise in the finest of baby and children's merchandise they are experts in the field and have an in-depth knowledge of the market, having worked exclusively with many high-end brands and designers and so we were extremely excited by the idea of being donated some of their products.

Thus began the start of a wonderful relationship, Linda and her team would organise for end of season items to be sent to the various Growbaby’s and to date we have received over 66 boxes shared amongst the various groups.

Linda’s only request of us was that the items were never sold or raffled and we were happy to comply. Many of the Growbaby’s have used the clothes as part of gift packs for new parents, an example of how these beautiful clothes have been used is; Growbaby Kingston has packaged up the clothes and each new parent at the hospital receives a gift of an item of clothing, Growbaby Kirkcaldy has been able to give the new clothes to many of their families in crisis as a gift for the new baby (see photos)

We are hugely grateful to everyone at Finest for Baby and we cannot thank them enough for their continued support of Growbaby International.

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